Secrets and Security
About Secrets
“Tres Personas Tiene un Secreto Cuando dos son Muerto.” Literal translation: 3 people can keep a Secret when 2 of them are Dead. Source: I originally thought I made this up, but in June,1991, I discovered that I was wrong and that it appears in slightly different form in Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac, July […]
About the Need to Know
At one time or another, everyone to whom you confide will be put under pressure to disclose that information to another. Without being paranoid and psychotic, I’ve discovered that the less “inside” information others know about you, other than necessary information, the less that “unnecessary” information can be used against you in some other time. […]
Kill the Tomb-Makers
In 1956, I saw a movie called “The Egyptian” in which I learned that when the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt would die and be entombed in the final resting places that thousands of workers had labored for years and years to build for them, that the last thing that would happen as the funeral cortege […]
Huey Long’s Philosophy
Never Write what you can Phone; Never Phone what you can Say; Never Say what you can Whisper; Never Whisper what you can Nod; Never Nod what you can Wink. Huey Long