
There Are No Perfect Marriages

It is not possible to have a “perfect” marriage, because of the lack of identicality of any 2 persons, The trouble is that no matter how good “the Match” of the couple is, Over time, they get complacent, And the good points of the marriage get taken for granted. They usually don’t focus on how […]

No Other Woman

No “Other Woman” Ever took a man away from his Wife, The Wife Threw Him Away. Susan Jorrie

Marriage Is Like Moby Dick

Marriage is like a Leather Bound copy of Moby Dick; It’s Beautiful to look at and to touch you read it with pleasure Again and Again. There are always parts of it you understand for the First Time and other parts you suddenly don’t understand at all, So you never Really Finish It. Anniversary card […]

Man’s Natural State

Eros and Mars do justly celebrate, Marriage, like War, is Man’s Natural State. the Obscure South Texas Philosopher, Dr. Bill Hauser

Grow Old with Me

Grow Old along with Me, The Best is yet to Be; The Last of Life For which the First was Made. Robert Browning from a card given Bobby by Susan