Problem Solving and Accomplishments

Put the Ball on the Other Side

In Tennis, We do not try to “Win the Game” on every ball, Our task is only to: “Put the Ball on the Other Side of the Net, and let the other Guy see if he can Return it.” Summary: Don’t try to “Win” on every act, Sometimes you can Optimize your Opportunity to Win […]

On Prioritizing

DEFINITION The word “Prioritization” means to put tasks in the best order so as to facilitate and better ensure complete and timely task accomplishment in advance of actual need. WHY YOU MUST PRIORITIZE THINGS Learning to Prioritize is one of the Most Important things you can ever learn because if you have “all the capability […]

Now Let Him Worry

bie and Becky were in bed and Abie, unable to sleep, was worriedly tossing and turning and rolling back and forth for hours. In frustration, finally Becky sat straight up in bed and said: “Abie, why can’t you sleep? What’s the matter with you?” To which Abie replied: “Do you know the $2000 I borrowed […]

New Ideas Need New Men

New Ideas cannot be administered Successfully by Men with Old Ideas, for the First Essential of Doing a job Well is the Wish to see the job Done At All. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Kick Over Every Rock

When looking for worms, you must kick over every rock and look beneath. It’s True, sometimes you find a scorpion, but sometimes you find a worm. So the Best Thing to do is to Kick over every rock. Given to me by Sam Jorrie