Title: What is an Employee
When a person accepts a job and becomes an Employee, he actually “sells” his time to the Employer.
This means,
that within the boundarys of Honesty, Propriety, Immorality and Integrity,
that the Employee must do whatever the Employer asks him to do.
And when the Employee
refuses or fails to do the tasks assigned,
or doesn’t do them timely,
or has an attitude that prevents the Employee from doing what the Employer asks him to do,
the Employee has effectively refused or failed to do his job.
And thus, he is “unemployed,” even if he remains on the payroll,
and then it is, only a Matter of Time
until the Employer decides that
since he is not getting “what he’s paying for,”he may “as well” cut off the pay, too,
and discharge the Employee, altogether.
Robert Jorrie
October 16, 1990