Title: Double Solitaire
One of the problems with todays plethora of things to do for people in dating,
is that sometimes they relate to the entertainment itself
and then when later assessing whether or not they “had a good time on the date,”
they presume that because they had a good time relating to the entertainment,
that they actually enjoyed the person they were with.
For Example:
It is common to a movie,
and come home and think that you had a good time with the person you went with,
when what really happened was that you had a good time relating to the movie,
and perhaps your date also had a good time relating to the movie,
but you really did not relate to each other at all,
and so, if your are not careful, you might deceive yourself into thinking that you really “enjoyed” that person,
when instead of relating to them, you played “double solitaire.”
Robert Jorrie