Title: Wisdom of Lombardi and Simon
with wise omments by A.L. “Al” Simon in italics
1. Control the Ball
1.1. Know your Product … your Company … yourself
1.2. Have Confidence
1.3. Control the Direction of the Negotiation
1.4. Know how to Open the Negotiation; then Lead it, … diplomatically,… but You lead it.
2. Make that 2nd Effort
2.1. Make one more try … do one more thing to try to overcome resistance
2.2. Attempt a new “tack”
3. Fatigue Makes Cowards of us All
3.1. Be in the Pink of Condition. You think better and act better and you have a more Positive Attitude
3.2. Get enough sleep
3.3. Get enough exercise
3.4. Be moderate in drinking, eating, etc.
4. Mental Toughness is Essential to Success
4.1. Discipline your Thinking
4.2. Control Negative Thought
4.3. Carry on NO MATTER WHAT the obstacles are
4.4. Refuse to Give Up
4.5. If the Going gets Tough … you get Tougher!
5. Operate on Lombardi Time\
Robert Jorrie