Title: Who Am I
I am the basis of all Wealth,
the Heritage of the Wise, the Thrifty and Prudent.
I am the Poor Man’s Joy and Comfort,
the Rich Man’s Prize,
the Right Hand of Capital,
the Silent Partner of many Thousands of Successful Men.
I am the Solace of the Widow,
the Comfort of Old Age,
the Cornerstone of Security against Misfortune and Want.
I am handed down to children, through generations,
as a Thing of Greatest Worth.
I am the Choicest Fruit of Toil.
Credit Respects Me.
Yet I am Humble.
I stand before every man bidding him,
Know Me For What I Am and Possess Me.
I grow and increase in value through Countless Days.
Though I seem Dormant,
my Worth Increases,
Never Failing, Never Ceasing,
Time is my aid and population heaps up my gain.
Fire and the Elements I defy,
for they cannot destroy me.
My possessors learn to believe in me;
invariably they become Envied.
While all things Wither And Decay, I survive.
The centuries find me Younger,
increasing in strength.
The Thriftless speak ill of me.
The charlatans of finance attack me.
I am Trustworthy.
I am Sound.
Unfailingly, I triumph and detractors are disproved.
Minerals and Oils come from me.
I am Producer of Food,
the basis for Ships and Factories,
the Foundation of Banks.
Yet I am so common that thousands,
unthinking and unknowingly,
pass me by.
I am Real Estate.
Author Unknown, but if you know the source, please tell Bobby