Title: The Touch that Is Magic
And in those days, Behold, there came through the gates of the city, a salesman from afar off,
and it came to pass, as the day went by, he sold plenty.
They that were the grouches smiled on him and gave him the hand that is glad. The tightwads opened their purses to him.
And in that city were they that were the Order Takers,
and they that spent their days in adding to the alibi sheet.
Mightily were they astonished.
They said one to another:
‘What the Hell; how doth he get away with it?’
And it came to pass that many were gathered in the back office and a soothsayer came among them.
And he was one wise guy.
And they spoke and questioned him saying,
‘How is it that this stranger accomplisheth the impossible?’
Whereupon the Soothsayer made answer:
“He of whom you speak is one Hustler.
He ariseth very early in the morning and goeth forth full of pep.
He complaineth not, neither doth he knock.
He is arrayed in purple and fine linen, while ye go forth with face unshaven and pants not pressed.
While ye gather here and say one to the other
‘Verily, This is a terrible day to work,’ he is already abroad.
And when the eleventh hour cometh, he needeth no alibis.
He saith not to the mass,
‘Behold, they that are in this town are a bunch of boneheads.’
Nor doth he report that they cannot be sold.
He knoweth his line
and they that would stave him off,
they gave him Orders.
Men say unto him, “Nay, Nay” when he cometh in,
yet when he goeth forth he hath their names on the line that is dotted.
He taketh with him two Angels — ‘Aspiration’ and ‘Perspiration.’
He knoweth whereof he speaketh
and he worketh to beat Hell.
Verily, I say unto you,
Go and do likewise.”
Automotive Trade Assn Bulletin
of Nat’l Capital Area