Title: Mystery Made Clear

I said:

“I’m hungry … would you cook my supper? … I’d like chipped beef on toast.”

She said:

“OK, but would you like that … or would you like a hot dog?

or BBQ’d chicken? or steak? or chinese? or something else?”

My Masculinity having “Picked it’s Target”… and focused upon it … I snapped angrily

“Quit trying to “Switch Me Off” to something else !”

She said:

I’m not trying to switch you … I’m reading you “the Menu” so you can choose

when you haven’t seen the WHOLE SELECTION?”


Masculinity “sees” Femininity’s needing to Select as trying to “Switch it away from the Goal.”

I said:

“What if you lived where the only food was hot dogs … just thousands and thousands of hot dogs?

How would Femininity “Select” then?

She said:

“Well we’d just have to find a way to distinguish them

so that we ‘d have some basis to “Select” on …

If there wasn’t a way to distinguish themWe’d, just Have to Make Up a Way

so that We Could Select.

Robert Jorrie